Falun Gong Persecution - Organ Harvesting
Mounting evidence tells a terrible tale of murder and mutilation in China. Witnesses and Chinese physicians reveal that thousands of persons affiliated with the Falun Gong are being killed for their organs, which are sold and transplanted at enormous profit.
The kidneys, livers, and hearts are often sold on demand to overseas patients, who can afford them. That is, the prisoners of conscience are tissue typed and then killed once a matching recipient is found for their organs.
The perpetrators are officials of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), acting in cahoots with surgeons, prison authorities, and military officials.
Victims are held in concentrations camps prior to dissection, after which the bodies』 remains are immediately cremated.
The story, almost too dreadful to believe, was first revealed in March 2006, when a woman claimed that as many as 4,000 Falun Gong had been killed for their organs at the hospital in which she had worked. She also said that her husband, a surgeon at the same hospital outside the northeastern city of Shenyang, had disclosed to her that he had removed cornea from the living bodies of 2,000 Falun Gong adherents (article, video).
One week later, a Chinese military doctor not only corroborated the woman』s account but claimed such atrocities were taking place in 36 different concentration camps throughout the country. The largest, he said, held 120,000 persons. He said he had also witnessed the Falun Gong being massively transported across the country in cattle trains, at night and under the cover of tight security (article).
Falun Gong supporters and human rights activists overseas immediately began investigating the allegations. They placed calls to Chinese hospitals pretending to be shopping for a kidney or a liver. To their horror, one doctor after another openly confirmed: We』ve got Falun Gong in stock; just come in and we can get you the organ within a week (link to Organs02 phone transcripts).
Shocked by these reports, two prominent Canadian human rights lawyers launched their own investigation. Then in July 2006, former Secretary of State for Asia Pacific David Kilgour and Nazi hunter David Matas, published their own 140-page report. It drew 「the regrettable conclusion that the allegations are true」 (article).
CCP officials are reportedly hastening to destroy all evidence. They have provided monitored tours and removed websites that advertised organs for sale (though not in time, as investigators had already managed to save images of these web pages). One Chinese website had boasted that it can provide matching organs in 1-4 weeks, which medical experts say is impossible unless the Chinese hospitals have access to a huge stock of living organ 「donors.」
Shortly after reports of organ harvesting emerged, Party leaders announced new legislation banning use of organs without consent. Over a year later, this law does not appear to have been implemented at all, supporting those who claimed all along that the legislation was nothing more than a public relations stunt.
Throughout the 1990』s, human rights organizations and international media reported the widespread use of executed prisoners』 organs for organ transplants in China. In 2001, a Chinese doctor testified before Congress, saying he had removed corneas and skin from more than 100 executed prisoners, including ones who were still alive (link to Organs05 - Wang Guoqi, 「The preparation for Sujiatun」: http://en.epochtimes.com/news/6-3-30/... article). The Communist Party has now begun employing 「execution vans,」 which allow for both discrete executions on the go and delivery of fresh organs to hospitals (article).
Along with Kilgour and Matas, the Committee to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (CIPFG: http://www.cifg.org/) has taken the lead in uncovering and exposing the organ atrocities. CIPFG and prominent individuals, such as Jewish religious leaders and former Olympians are currently holding a Human Rights Torch Relay (link). Their message is: 「Crimes against humanity and Olympics cannot coexist in China.」
2008新唐人電視台全球系列大賽(小提琴,聲樂,舞蹈,武術,鋼琴,漢服設計,油畫 ,廚技,攝影)
K-2山峰雪崩 兩荷蘭運動員獲救
Mounting evidence tells a terrible tale of murder and mutilation in China. Witnesses and Chinese physicians reveal that thousands of persons affiliated with the Falun Gong are being killed for their organs, which are sold and transplanted at enormous profit.
The kidneys, livers, and hearts are often sold on demand to overseas patients, who can afford them. That is, the prisoners of conscience are tissue typed and then killed once a matching recipient is found for their organs.
The perpetrators are officials of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), acting in cahoots with surgeons, prison authorities, and military officials.
Victims are held in concentrations camps prior to dissection, after which the bodies』 remains are immediately cremated.
The story, almost too dreadful to believe, was first revealed in March 2006, when a woman claimed that as many as 4,000 Falun Gong had been killed for their organs at the hospital in which she had worked. She also said that her husband, a surgeon at the same hospital outside the northeastern city of Shenyang, had disclosed to her that he had removed cornea from the living bodies of 2,000 Falun Gong adherents (article, video).
One week later, a Chinese military doctor not only corroborated the woman』s account but claimed such atrocities were taking place in 36 different concentration camps throughout the country. The largest, he said, held 120,000 persons. He said he had also witnessed the Falun Gong being massively transported across the country in cattle trains, at night and under the cover of tight security (article).
Falun Gong supporters and human rights activists overseas immediately began investigating the allegations. They placed calls to Chinese hospitals pretending to be shopping for a kidney or a liver. To their horror, one doctor after another openly confirmed: We』ve got Falun Gong in stock; just come in and we can get you the organ within a week (link to Organs02 phone transcripts).
Shocked by these reports, two prominent Canadian human rights lawyers launched their own investigation. Then in July 2006, former Secretary of State for Asia Pacific David Kilgour and Nazi hunter David Matas, published their own 140-page report. It drew 「the regrettable conclusion that the allegations are true」 (article).
CCP officials are reportedly hastening to destroy all evidence. They have provided monitored tours and removed websites that advertised organs for sale (though not in time, as investigators had already managed to save images of these web pages). One Chinese website had boasted that it can provide matching organs in 1-4 weeks, which medical experts say is impossible unless the Chinese hospitals have access to a huge stock of living organ 「donors.」
Shortly after reports of organ harvesting emerged, Party leaders announced new legislation banning use of organs without consent. Over a year later, this law does not appear to have been implemented at all, supporting those who claimed all along that the legislation was nothing more than a public relations stunt.
Throughout the 1990』s, human rights organizations and international media reported the widespread use of executed prisoners』 organs for organ transplants in China. In 2001, a Chinese doctor testified before Congress, saying he had removed corneas and skin from more than 100 executed prisoners, including ones who were still alive (link to Organs05 - Wang Guoqi, 「The preparation for Sujiatun」: http://en.epochtimes.com/news/6-3-30/... article). The Communist Party has now begun employing 「execution vans,」 which allow for both discrete executions on the go and delivery of fresh organs to hospitals (article).
Along with Kilgour and Matas, the Committee to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (CIPFG: http://www.cifg.org/) has taken the lead in uncovering and exposing the organ atrocities. CIPFG and prominent individuals, such as Jewish religious leaders and former Olympians are currently holding a Human Rights Torch Relay (link). Their message is: 「Crimes against humanity and Olympics cannot coexist in China.」
2008新唐人電視台全球系列大賽(小提琴,聲樂,舞蹈,武術,鋼琴,漢服設計,油畫 ,廚技,攝影)
K-2山峰雪崩 兩荷蘭運動員獲救
Category: News & Politics
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